Travis Tabron, ex-Varials & Ethan Harrison from Great American Ghost
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We have a double header of modern metalcore for you today! First up, we have Ethan from Great American Ghost discussing keeping his band together and balancing real life/tour life. Then, I have Travis Tabron who used to sing for the band Varials. We recorded this before he left the band and in this chat, you can hear a little bit of his thought process behind him leaving the band (without me even knowing it!). We also discuss the Philly hardcore scene and why recording vocals is a really terrible experience. Enjoy! Visit Rockabilia and use the code PC100WORDS for 15% off of your order. The best place for all of your VIP experiences at shows is with Soundrink. Learn more about your ad-choices at
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Lead Singer Syndrome
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Bryan Garris from Knocked Loose/Trey Garris from X Weapon X (Live @ LDB Fest)
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Bryan Garris from Knocked Loose/Trey Garris from X Weapon X - Live @ LDB Fest
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