#102 - Matt Lunsford (Polyvinyl Records)
Washed Up Emo
Today we welcome Polyvinyl Records co-founder Matt Lunsford to talk about the last 20 years of the label. The label is responsible for some groundbreaking albums that still get mentioned to this day. Matt and I chat about some bands that helped start the label off on a good foot, when they realized that American Football was selling a lot of records in the 00s and the aesthetic of loving the music and doing good by the bands. It’s a damn good reason they’re still around. Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/washedupemo)
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#226 - Jeff Caudill (Low Coast, Gameface)
Washed Up Emo
#226 Jeff Caudill (Low Coast Gameface)
Washed Up Emo
Hot Milk (Han Mee and Jim Shaw)
Lead Singer Syndrome
Joe Musten from Beloved and Advent
100 Words Or Less
Brandon Ebel- Zoom In/Zoom Out
#225 Ben Green (Fairweather, Ivakota Recording Studio)
Washed Up Emo