#167 - The Hard Times (Matt Saincome, Bill Conway, Krissy Howard)
Washed Up Emo
Today we welcome Matt Saincome, Bill Conway and Krissy Howard from The Hard Times! The world famous satirical site stopped by Washed Up Emo on their recent book tour to talk about how the site started, how they come up with all the funny headlines, some regrets they’ve had, and I challenge them to come up with some emo headlines on the spot. A truly inspiring tale of finding something you love and making it your job.
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Raygun Busch from Chat Pile
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#227 - Michael Malarkey (Burial Clouds, Shadyside)
Washed Up Emo
Emma from Dying Wish & Jack/Tyler from Foreign Hands - Live @ LDB Fest
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Tades Sanville (Hot Mulligan)
Lead Singer Syndrome
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Washed Up Emo