#173 - Alex Dunham (Hoover)
Washed Up Emo
Alex Dunham, singer and guitarist for the band and I connected in NYC right before the pandemic took hold in early March. It's crazy to hear our conversation have zero of the weight of conversations happening with our friends and family today. A time capsule for what was before this insanity we’re all in now. It’s also the last time I did an interview in my apartment in NYC. I insanely miss doing interviews in person because there’s time to gauge an answer, a pause, the eye contact, and the laughs. I’m happy someone captured the moment of us at my shitty Ikea kitchen table. If there’s one thing to do during this podcast, its take a minute. I let Alex contemplate and take a breath a lot of the podcast. There’s so much to get to from Alex’s beginnings in Arizona, learning about punk, getting the fuck out of Arizona and heading to Washington DC, getting signed to Dischord, and a story about Fugazi staying at his grandmother’s house. We also talk about what he’s doing now with his custom furniture company Brokenpress Design. Hoover should be mentioned daily when talking about post hardcore and the early 90s. Absolute icons and I couldn’t be happier to have Alex on to tell his story.
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Washed Up Emo
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