#178 - Tonie Joy (Moss Icon)
Washed Up Emo
Today we welcome Tonie Joy from Moss Icon. Moss Icon were around for only four years but impacted two genres and countless bands after their short time together. They are an icon in this scene and it was absolutely fascinating to hear Tonie’s perspective on DIY and the music scene from his vantage point of being in this band from 1987-1991. We talk about how he met Jonathan Vance, finding punk and hardcore in the suburbs of DC, and the first time he heard the word emo. We also go deep into his relationship with the word and what he thinks now. Tonie was honest and someone I wish I could listen to for hours. Lucky for us, we got an hour and a half of a legend speaking about a time and place where many of the bands we love today bore some lineage to the bands Tonie was in. If you have no idea who these guys are, take a listen online. If you do know, you’re going to hear some stories told only on this podcast.
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