Winston McCall (Parkway Drive)
Lead Singer Syndrome
Episode 314 – HUGE GUEST! Winston McCall of the legendary band Parkway Drive joins the show today! From starting in the small Australian town of Byron Bay to playing the biggest arenas around the world, to say the band has had an incredible career would be an understatement. We explore all of that in our conversation, from their roots in their local punk and hardcore scene to how their sound has changed over the years. The band recently released their new album, written during lockdown, called “Darker Still”. Hear the inspiration behind the album in this episode, then go stream the record wherever you get your music! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Martin Johnson (Boys Like Girls)
Lead Singer Syndrome
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Lead Singer Syndrome
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Lead Singer Syndrome
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Lead Singer Syndrome
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Lead Singer Syndrome
Tim Kasher (Cursive, The Good Life)
Lead Singer Syndrome