Lead Singer Syndrome
Episode 220 - BIG guest this week, in fact he's #47 in the world on Spotify as I type this! Ari Leff aka LAUV joins the show! Before reaching the top of the pop charts with songs like "I Like Me Better" (which is about to hit 1 Billion on Spotify) and "i'm so tired...", Ari cut his teeth in the Myspace scene, with influences ranging from Post-hardcore and screamo like Underoath and The Devil Wears Prada to mellower stuff like Owl City and pop-punk like The Starting Line. We talk about his start as a "behind the scenes" guy, touring with Ed Sheeran, his "fearless" approach to writing lyrics and also where to get a margarita the size of your head in North Hollywood. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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#219 - M.C. Taylor (Hiss Golden Messenger, Ex-Ignota)
Washed Up Emo
New Noise (Top 8 New Releases of the Week) 03/31/2023
Lead Singer Syndrome
Rory Rodriguez (Dayseeker) returns!
Lead Singer Syndrome
Ryan Leitru of For Today - Altar Calls and Pit Calls
Haley Butters from Absinthe Father
100 Words Or Less
#218 - Vanessa Downing (Samuel S.C.)
Washed Up Emo