Lee Humerian -Tooth & Nail Kid in Ukraine


Lee Humerian was the drummer for Phinehas for nearly a decade. He is a very classic stereotype of a Tooth & Nail kid who followed his passion for music, energy and mission for God. Lee was drawn from music into full-time missions landing him in Ukraine in 2014. He and his family have made a home and life there during the escalating conflict over the last few years. I felt this was a great opportunity to get the perspective of someone from our world on a world that seems so foreign and unimaginable to me. This conversation is both fascinating, powerful & heartbreaking, and I’m glad you introduce you to a special person like Lee. I hope you get as much from this episode as I did. https://www.josiahventure.com/people-and-places/ukraine/9673 SONG LIST Phineas-The Rider As Cities Burn - This is it, This is it Beloved - Failure on my Lips

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