Chapter 19: mewithYou From the View of Mike Weiss
Chapter 19 Mike Weiss is the guitarist from the legendary label darlings mewithoutYou. Mike’s point of view of the band is far from comprehensive, but give us some unique insight that most media coverage is not able capture, especially regarding his brother, the enigmatic frontman Aaron Weiss. AD || Zip Recruiter: Support Labeled on Patreon Join Labeled on Facebook SONGS YOU HEARD ON THIS EPISODE: mewithoutYou "January 1979" mewithoutYou "Red Cow" Audiotree Live Session twothirtyeight "There Is No Dana" Starflyer59 "Blue Colar Love" Further Seems Forever "The Moon is Down" The Operation "To Prevent Fall-Apart" mewithoutYou live at Cornerstone '02 mewithoutYou "Gentlemen" mewithoutYou "Messes of Men" Pedro the Lion "Indian Summer" mewithoutYou "Carousels" mewithoutYou "Torches Together" mewithoutYou jam session mewithoutYou "Julia (or 'Holy to the Lord' on the Bells of Horses)" mewithoutYou "Chapelcross Towns" Audiotree Live Session mewithoutYou "Leaf" mewithoutYou live at Cornerstone '02 MORE FROM TOOTH & NAIL: * Labeled: Music From The Podcast: * DISCOVER IT: New Tracks from T&N Records: * This Is Solid State: New Tracks from Solid State Records: * Tooth & Nail Store (LABELED Patreon members get 20% off everything):
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