Chapter 27: The Motivation of an Intern with the Responsibility of an Executive
Chapter 27 Former Tooth & Nail employee, Derek Tenbusch, in many ways is a similar to Brandon Ebel. Both got their start as low level employees of a record label in southern California, because of their love for music, and thought it would be satisfying to help good art thrive. Eventually both became di
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Lukas Nicolai (Mental Cruelty)
Lead Singer Syndrome
Jose Saxlund from Abhinanda and Desperate Fight Records
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Ricky Hoover (Ov Sulfur, Suffokate)
Lead Singer Syndrome
Chris Norris (Steak MTN) from CombatWoundedVeteran
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Cassadee Pope (Hey Monday)
Lead Singer Syndrome
Keith Buckley from Many Eyes
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