Chapter 28: The Classic Crime - Getting In at the Top of the Market
Chapter 28 Matt MacDonald from The Classic Crime was not a first or second generation Tooth & Nail kid; he and his band just happened to intersect with the label and the scene right near its peak. With their polished commercial sound, aspirations of mainstream success, a hotshot management team, and Tooth & Nail's partnership with EMI, upstreaming them into the big leagues seemed like a solid bet. The expectations were understandably high all around. Many special opportunities would come their way, but ultimately, the music industry and the indie scene had a few curveballs up their sleeve, giving Matt some unexpected opportunities to learn lessons he was not hoping to learn. Support Labeled on Patreon Join Labeled on Facebook SONGS YOU HEARD ON THIS EPISODE: The Classic Crime “The Coldest Heart” The Classic Crime “Who Needs Air” Tyson Motsenbocker “Come to California” Pedro the Lion “Almost There” MxPx “What’s Mine is Yours” Anberlin
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