Joe Musten of Beloved and Advent: The Purist
Joe Musten is the heartbeat of Beloved. He is known for doing all the lead screaming while being an absolutely brutal drummer. I think of Joe as an uncompromising and incorruptible purist and someone who sees the whole picture. He is driven to authentically express his passion in every situation, from live performance, to the studio recordings, to fan interaction, to band member, friend or podcast guest. SPONSOR: Grandpa Loves Rhinos Song- Gimmie Gimme Music in this episode... Beloved- Aimless Endeavor Strongarm- Division Pantera- Suicide Note Pt. 1 Living Sacrifice- Reborn Empowered Strongarm Supplication Stretch Armstrong- Second Chances Beloved- Death To Traitors Advent- Wind From The Valley Advent- Revival Support Labeled on Patreon Join Labeled on Facebook MORE FROM TOOTH & NAIL: * Labeled: Music From The Podcast: * DISCOVER IT: New Tracks from T&N Records: * This Is Solid State: New Tracks from Solid State Records: * Tooth & Nail Store (LABELED Patreon members get 20% off everything):
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