Yvette Young from Covet
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Episode 315 - If you like technical math rock (like I do) this week will be your jam! I have Yvette Young from Covet on the show. If you haven’t heard of her band, that’s totally fine as they JUST released their debut EP on Triple Crown Records (and it’s really good). She’s an incredibly compelling guest and we discuss tons of stuff like competition, building communities and the word “hella” in the Northern California eco-system. In all seriousness, we discuss some pretty important things and I’d love for you to come listen. Mack Weldon is the most comfortable clothing I’ve worn, period. Get $20 off by using the code WORDS. WeTransfer is the only way you should ever send large files, for free. The best, plain and simple. Use our Amazon Affiliate Code to support the show! Visit our friends over at No Echo for great features on punk, hardcore and all things heavy. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers
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Steve Von Till from Neurosis
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Scarypoolparty (Alejandro Aranda): There’s a Strong Attribute to Being Yourself
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Bear Rinehart (NEEDTOBREATHE, Wilder Woods)
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