Madison Watkins from Year of the Knife and Candy Corpse
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I don't think I will ever get tired of a solid metal core record, and Year of The Knife have released exactly that with Internal Incarceration so in turn, I had to have Madison Watkins from the band on the podcast. Madison and I discuss life in Delaware, straight edge and running a small business (with her amazing Candy Corpse brand). It was an absolute pleasure having her on so sit back and enjoy. Visit Rockabilia and use the code PC100WORDS for 15% off of your order. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers
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New Noise (Top 7 New Releases of the Week) 05/12/2023
Lead Singer Syndrome
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#223 - Braid (25th Anniversary of "Frame & Canvas")
Washed Up Emo
New Noise (Top 9 New Releases of the Week) 05/05/2023
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